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Terms & Conditions

Name of company

Tri 4 All


Registered office

11 Parkway, Trentham Stoke on Trent, ST4 8AJ


Contact details


1. Contact

Your contract is with Tri 4 All, referred to as “we”, "our" or “us” in this contract. A binding contract is only entered into when we issue a confirmation invoice on receipt of payment. By contacting us, to make a booking, you accept that you have the authority to bind all members of your party to these terms and conditions. It is essential that you check the details on the confirmation invoice and inform us immediately of any errors.


2. Payment for your holiday

A deposit of £250 (single occupancy on request) of the total retreat price is required at the time of booking. We reserve the right to vary the deposit as appropriate. The balance is due on or before 31st October 2024. If the booking is made after this date, the full amount is due on booking. If any balance remains unpaid, we reserve the right to treat your booking as cancelled and apply the cancellation charge set out below. Final camp details will usually be sent out approximately 1 week before departure. 

Payment must be in the currency of the invoice and you are responsible for bank charges. If you choose to pay the balance of your holiday by credit card or debit card we reserve the right to pass on any charges that we incur in the processing of the payment. No charge is levied for payment by BACS or cheque.


3. Information regarding the holidays

Whilst we make every effort to ensure that the information in our website and elsewhere is as accurate as possible, details are often published many months before your camp takes place. We reserve the right to make changes to the website and elsewhere and any information they contain. You will be informed of any material changes before booking. Tri 4 All is only responsible for information contained within our own publications and websites. We are specifically not responsible for third party information contained in any other brochures or websites.


4. Amendments or Cancellation to your holiday by you. 

i. Amendments
We will do our best to assist you in altering your arrangements after booking but cannot guarantee this will be possible. If alterations can be made you will be responsible for all extra charges and costs and we reserve the right to charge a £25 administration fee per person plus any applicable charges levied by our suppliers. We also reserve the right to treat any amendment less than twelve weeks prior to departure as a cancellation and apply the cancellation charges set out below.

ii. Cancellations
All cancellations must be made in writing (emailed to by the person who made the booking and are effective on the day we receive it. As we incur substantial costs and losses on a cancellation, we will apply the following cancellation charges:

  • Within 14 days of booking (unless booked within 16 weeks of event) - Free cancellation

  • Cancellation prior to 31st October - Loss of deposit

  • Cancellation after 1st November - 100% of full cost

5. Amendments of cancellations by us


i. Amendments
It is occasionally necessary for us to make changes to the advertised products and services and we reserve the right to make such changes. In exceptional circumstances we may have to modify your camp after booking. If the change is minor we will do our best to notify you in advance but are not obliged to do so and no compensation is payable. If the change is material (for example, change of destination or to a lower standard of accommodation), we will notify you as soon as practically possible and offer you the choice of (i) accepting the alternative arrangements or (ii) cancelling your camp. 

ii. Changes during the camp
If we are unable to provide a significant proportion of your camp whilst you are away, suitable alternative arrangements will be made for you at no extra cost.

ii .Cancellation by us
Whilst we hope we will never have to cancel your camp this does very occasionally happen and we reserve the right to do so. Should it be necessary to cancel your retreat, we will endeavour to offer alternative arrangements of equivalent or similar standards. Alternatively we will provide a full and prompt refund.

iii. Force Majeure
Compensation will not be payable in any cases where an amendment, change or cancellation is due to “force majeure”, being unusual or unforeseeable events or circumstances beyond our control, the consequences of which neither we nor our suppliers could avoid. These include, but are not limited to, war, threat of war, riot, civil disturbance or strife, terrorist activity (actual or threatened), industrial disputes, technical or maintenance problems with transport, machinery or equipment, power failure, natural or nuclear disaster, fire, flood, drought, adverse weather conditions, levels of water in rivers, acts of God, closure of airports, changes of schedules or operational decisions of transport providers.

iv. Duty of care. We reserve the right to cancel a holiday on the grounds of duty of care. In the event of such cancellations being necessary we will notify you in writing or other electronic means. Such cancellations will be made at our discretion. A full refund of any monies paid will be made. 


6. Prices

All prices advertised or quoted are per person in pounds sterling unless otherwise shown and are subject to change, up or down, until the booking is concluded.


7. Exclusion of liabilities

We take care to ensure that all involved in the preparation and supply of your retreat maintain the highest standards. Please remember that the appropriate standards will be those prevalent in your destination, which may not be the same as developed international standards. Accordingly:

i. Our liability to you does not apply if you or any member of your group is at fault; if the failure is the fault of someone else not connected with providing the services which form part of our holiday contract with you; the failure is due to any unusual or unexpected circumstances beyond our control, which we could not have avoided even if we had used all care possible or the failure is due to any event which we or the supplier of any service could not help, expect or prevent. 

ii. It is your responsibility to keep any valuable items safe whilst on the retreat.  We do not accept any liability for lost or stolen items.


8. Complaints

If you have any complaints about the venue during the retreat please liaise with the on-site team. Any unresolved complaints must be notified to us in writing within 30 days of your return.


9. Travel Insurance

Your retreat with us does NOT include insurance and it is your responsibility to ensure you have adequate insurance cover. Such insurance should ideally be valid from the date of booking, be valid throughout the retreat duration and financially cover any probable loss through cancellation, amendment, accident or health related problems. 

You should ensure you are covered for all activities you are planning on your trip. 

10. Special Requests

Whilst we will endeavour to comply with any special requests such as diets and room requirements, we can only do so on a “goodwill” basis. Such requests are usually provided at the discretion of the relevant supplier, thus we cannot guarantee availability and cannot be held responsible if they are not provided. 


11. Excursions and activities

We are only responsible for excursions and activities sold by us and which form part of your retreat contract.


12. Jurisdiction

This contract is governed by English Law and is subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of England and Wales.


13. Data Protection Policy

In order for us to process your booking we need to store and record your information, including data as supplied. 


14. Booking

Your camp booking will be confirmed upon receipt of:

1) Payment of a deposit - in the event that your booking is received prior to 31st October 2024.

2) Receipt of full balance - in the event that your booking is received on or after 1st November 2024.


In the event of only a deposit payment, your camp booking should be considered provisional until the full balance of the retreat has been paid and we have received your completed booking form. For further details regarding payment, refer to 2. Payment for your holiday


15. Changes to the terms

We reserve the right to modify these terms and conditions without notice.

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